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Showing posts from 2013
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New Presentation: The Quotable Pope
When Life Doesn't Meet Your Expectations, also, Babies
Who am I?
Happy Thanksgiving
Why do I get self-conscious around close friends?
Some things to remember about life to make you more happier (sic)
Weird names for dogs
How do I help my wonderful partner calm the fuck down?
The Psychology of Breaking Bad
Ah man! My site's down
Waking Up
He says he loves me, but he won't leave his wife
How to Find Inner Peace
How Men Really Date Women (the Category Theory)
How Presentations Can Change the World
Robot therapy? Fuck that.
One Question that will Forever Change Your Life
How do I get my friend to stop calling me all the time?
When dating, how do I show my affection for someone?
How to Change Yourself and Your Life (the Only Guide You Need)
How can I tell my family that I don't want to spend the holidays with them?
Happy Belated April Fools from Edahn
Why it's important to be nice to people (the selfish reasons)
Why are feelings so important? [Blog post]
What does it mean when your boyfriend wants to take a break?
How can I stop fighting with my boyfriend?
Tips for Designing with Prezi
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